Eridonia Archives
(Wheeled AFV) T-270B "Titan"
A wheeled armoured combat vehicle originally designed and built by the Central Earth Government for export to the Phoenix Republic in South Aquarius, before the UTN annexation in 3776 A.D. The T-270 was designed for rapid deployment, low costs of maintenance and urban warfare for planetary paramilitaries.

Type: Wheeled Armoured Vehicle
Designed: 3114 A.D
Operators: Various paramilitary / local planetary defence forces throughout Aquarius
Former Operators: Phoenix Republic Ground Forces, ISAR Planetary Forces
Crew: 3-4
Powerplant: [Pending Decryption]
Armour: [Pending Decryption]
Armament: [Pending Decryption]
Sensors: [Pending Decryption]
Counter-measures: [Pending Decryption]
Length: [Pending Decryption]
Height: [Pending Decryption]
Width: [Pending Decryption]
Mass: 35-40 Mass Tons
Maximum Speed: [Pending Decryption]
Maximum Reverse Speed: [Pending Decryption]
The T-270 is among the most widely produced and used ground armoured vehicles outside of the central Aquarian military. Its popularity has grown rapidly among local planetary paramilitary forces and corporate defence forces due to its relatively low cost and high reliability in many different environments. The most common variant in service as of 4500 A.D is the T-270B "Titan" variant; named for the 150mm Fission Impulse Mass Driver installed as part of Phoenix system's Rockal Armaments Corporation's upgrade package for existing, aging designs. The upgrade was widely exported and as such the T-270B is essentially the standard armoured vehicle in most planetary paramilitaries of the Phoenix Cluster and Angel Reach, some thousand years later.
The use of a wheeled chassis over a tracked design was primarily due to cost and maintenance concerns. With the emphasis on export to non governmental, or corporate entities throughout Phoenix, emphasis was placed on using existing reliable designs that would require as little in-field maintenance as possible. Despite the wheeled design, the T-270 possesses a reasonably strong armour package for its time consisting of Macro-assembled polymer composite sheets and a titanium-tungsten alloy outer shell, optimised for strength-to-weight ratio.
The drive-train consists of an 8-wheeled design, each wheel is connected to an independent suspension carriage with hydraulic actuation controlled by the drive computer for optimal shock absorption over rough terrain at high speeds. T-270 is fitted with a single-chamber Fission Engine with a maximum output of 2700 HP; though more modern variants including the T-270B feature improved powerplants exceeding 3000 HP. The high engine power combined with relatively low weight of 35 Mass Tons gives the T-270 excellent off-road mobility in most terrain types, and exception top speed in urban environments.
The upgraded T-270B variant features the popular "Titan" T/F-150 FIMD cannon; in order to incorporate this design over the existing 120mm T/C-120 Chemical Mass Driver on the base T-270 model, the turret on the T-270B was modified significantly, and a new auto-loading mechanism was developed. The 150mm gun is fed by a 3-round 'ready magazine' arranged in a rotary magazine which allows the gun to fire 3 rounds within the space of around 10-15 seconds without reloading, but the magazine must be reloaded from the main hull munition storage, taking approximately, another 15 to 20 seconds. This is due to the length of the 150mm Cased FIMD projectile cartridge; there wasn't enough room within the turret without expanding the turret ring and adding considerable weight to the vehicle. The intention was to provide a high 'burst' rate of fire for the vehicle; able to engage up to 3 targets in quick succession before reloading; rather than a singular autoloader drive with a shorter overall reload time but longer distance between individual shots in the magazine.
T-270B incorporates an advanced Fire Control System with automatic turret tracking based on Field Aware Combat Sensors (FACS), allowing the Gunner to 'guide' the turret but precise movements are controlled automatically. The system has a manual backup in case the FACS unit is rendered inoperable. The vehicle also incorporates a Fully Independent Optics System for the Commander and gunner separately with a multi-spectrum sensor suite including Thermal, Infrared, Electromagnetic Pulse Wave and Radiological Optics modes.
T-270 lacks an Active Protection System by default, for cost concerns, but possesses the ability to equip both soft and hard-kill APS developed by the RAC and former Phoenix Military, though most users opt for cheaper operating costs.
The T-270 series has a crew of 3, but can accommodate 4 crew members. Typically, the vehicle operates with a Driver, Gunner and Commander; the latter two occupy the turret basket section and the driver sits forward in the hull. However, there is space in the rear compartment for an engineer, if the position is needed.
The RAC's upgrade package for the T-270 also included add-on points for external applique armour along the 'skirts' and turret front edges. Typically, these are occupied by additional Non Explosive Reactive Armour packages, consisting of a deforming polymer filler with tungsten mesh inserts around a Titanium or titanium-alloy outer shell, designed to slow down kinetic penetrators substantially, or disrupt high explosive penetrators. While not available by the base configuration, some organisations operating the T-270, such as the Helian Planetary Defence Forces, developed add-on armour packages to protect against High-Intensity Directed Energy Weapons (HIDEW), such as electromagnetically contained plasma cannons.