Eridonia Archives
(UK1) L3103 Portable Railcannon.
The L3103 is a Portable Railcannon. If the [[L3108A2]] variants are designated Marksman Rifles, the 3103 is the Anti-Materiel Rifle equivilent.

Firing a large calibre round; this nearly 2 metre long rifle is capable of delivering a Tungsten Penetrator to targets well in excess of 2KM away at Hypersonic speeds in atmospheres
This weapon mainly fulfils the role of Anti-Mateiral/Light Armour/Extreme Range damage, as the Railcannon sighting system allows for pinpoint accuracy at extreme range.
Due to the requirement for the round to be in contact with the rails; Ammo from the L3108 can be used, but has to be utilised with a Discarding Sabot due to the different calibres.
The weapon by default uses a dumb tungsten slug, although smart rounds do exist; the force of firing renders particularly smart rounds & sensors non-viable. L3108 ammunition can only be used on a fairly minimal power setting.
However for the situations in which the L3108 would not fulfil the need for long range fire or armour penetration; This weapons platform can destroy far tougher, or far further away targets, than any other weapon carried.
The weapon is technically man portable, however it is very much assumed to be welded by an Augmented or Power-Assisted individual, and is not designed for prolonged engagements, heating rapidly with each shot.
Most often used in space enviroments, where the relatively small firing visibility and lack of atmospheric drag enable it to shine - Marines torn Hostile craft apart with a few well placed rounds from this weapon system.
(//Codex Entry Author: Alex Lee)