Eridonia Archives
(Wheeled AFV)(Marauders)AFV-4 Coyote Light Recon Armoured Vehicle
One of the most easily recognisable military vehicles in history, the Coyote has seen service with essentially all factions that operate armed ground vehicles, including the Marauder raiding parties of the Crimson Clan operating in the lower tiers of the Ruins of Eridonia.

Due to large numbers being present on the capital world during the Fall of the UTN; primarily due to the deployment of the vehicle by the Eridonia Planetary Guard, the AFV-4 Coyote is a fairly common sight in the ruins, being operated by essentially every major faction and almost all Scavenger Clans. Marauder Pirate Raiders are known to have salvaged many hundreds of these vehicles in the Earthway District alone, potentially many thousands in other Districts across the capital ruins. Coyotes in Scavenger use typically reflect their original configuration in EPG service, with the most common modifications being made to external panels such as additional rigs for cargo and supplies.
Marauder Pirate Raiders, however, are known to perform extensive modifications to their Coyote vehicles; including adding additional applique armour and spikes fashioned from twisted metal debris, likely for ramming other vehicles or fortifications, or simply for the psychological effect on their enemies. The effectiveness of the additional armour plates on Marauder-operated Coyotes is questionable against heavier munitions such as tank-guns or ATGMs, but no doubt provides some level of stand-off protection from low to medium velocity munitions such as those from autocannons in the 20-30MM calibre range.
It is also noteworthy that AFV-4s in Marauder use appear to have had the environmental sensor removed. It is likely it was salvaged for components as the environmental conditions of the ruins are fairly well known.
Like other vehicles in Marauder use, Coyotes operated by the pirates posses other non-standard modifications. A common alteration is the application of a crude external heatsink to the barrel assembly; while this no doubt helps in cooling performance (likely to increase the life expectance of the weapon reducing maintenance requirements) the extra weight probably reduces accuracy by increasing pressure on the stabilisation actuators. In addition, Marauder Coyotes appear to have the original gun assembly from the AFV-4B; featuring the co-axial 15mm FIMD Machinegun underneath the main assembly.
Marauders are also known to install a crude ATGM launcher on the turret of AFV-4A Coyote vehicles; it is believed this weapon is comprised of an array of infantry-type shoulder-fired Anti-Tank Missiles arranged in a modified enclosure with a custom fuse trigger. Guidance appears to be controlled by line-of-sight with a beam-riding system to the target. Despite the crude nature of the system, low accuracy is offset by giving Marauder Coyotes a significant anti-armour capability at close range on top of the main gun.
The Coyote seems to serve the Marauders as a fast recon or patrol vehicle, for conducting fast raids, carrying salvaged loot and pirate raiding teams. It appears to be the primary method of transporting their foot soldiers.