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Eridonia Archives
|| eria.Important
|| This page contains all the "Important Information" posts regarding me, my website or blog. Please take note of these before making a judgement about something. Thanks.
Sasha W.
Jan 19, 20221 min read
(Updated) Read if you came here upset by something I said.
Leave immediately. Press the 'X' next to this tab on your browser, or close the browser entirely. Shut down your device, go to sleep....
175 views0 comments
Sasha W.
Jul 20, 20241 min read
(Important Information) I updated the Archives dynamic collections system and some URLs may no longer work.
If you're reading some RP-related stuff on my blog (really? :D) some older posts will probably contain URLs that no longer function -...
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Sasha W.
Jun 7, 20232 min read
(Important) Freedom of Russia
Since I made several emotionally-driven posts against the Russian Federation in the last year, I want to re-iterate that I do not...
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Sasha W.
Jun 1, 20233 min read
Sash's Quick 'n' Easy Guide to Rational Reactions to Sensationalism
Hello delightful reader! You have stumbled upon this page because, likely, you have been linked it! Probably by me, or someone else. It...
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Sasha W.
Jan 21, 20231 min read
Important Notice to Ashley's Aunt and Family.
Please stop reading my Blog and website if what I have to say upsets you so much. I, frankly, don't give a fuck about you or what you...
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Sasha W.
Jan 15, 20232 min read
(Important Information) Important Information about Sash.
[Subject to REDACTIONS] Hello. If you have stumbled across this post, then do whatever you want, I don't care. However, if you have been...
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Sasha W.
Jan 11, 20232 min read
(Important) Donate to help Ukraine win the war and rebuild. Do it now.
The President of Ukraine has established an effective, transparent method of donating money to directly help Ukraine fight off the...
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Sasha W.
Mar 23, 20221 min read
(//RP) I had "Great Maikors" before Doom Eternal had "Maykor"
Yes there are similarities, but unless Maykors were part of Doom's lore since the early 2000s (I mean, it's possible, but still unrelated...
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Sasha W.
Sep 16, 20211 min read
(PINNED: Major Update) New Domain and new... Theme.
You may have noticed the website is now at, instead of the previous one. That is because I want to move on from...
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Sasha W.
Apr 3, 20211 min read
(Important) Have an issue with Asha or
I may be weird but I am always open to dialogue. Most issues you might have with me or my website and content can be resolved simply by...
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Sasha W.
Mar 21, 20212 min read
(IMPORTANT) Please Read Privacy Policy Update and Cookie Policy! (Update 27-04-2021)
Some legal stuff that is highly important. (Updated 27-04-2021) Updated privacy policy is available on the Legal Page. However I will...
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Sasha W.
Mar 18, 20211 min read
(Important): Sash discontinues usage of Discord, again. (18-03-2021)
If you are trying to communicate with me on Discord, your messages will not be read because my firewall actively blocks connections from...
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Sasha W.
Jan 13, 20211 min read
Notice to Social Media Users.
If you arrived at my website from such platforms as Twitter, it is important you read this information before either making further...
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Sasha W.
Jan 11, 20211 min read
Your services are no longer required, Discord.
They weren't really required to begin with, if I'm honest. So what's the deal with this Discord Discard, so to speak? The answer is, of...
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Sasha W.
Sep 10, 20201 min read
(Important) I tried to make a community and interact with people but that now ends.
The Public Forum is gone, the Discord Server is no longer mine (the new owner can do whatever he wants with it) and I want nothing more...
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Sasha W.
Sep 5, 20201 min read
Sorry to everyone who I annoy. This is not Sarcasm. Sash is sorry.
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Sasha W.
Jun 6, 20201 min read
Site update: There is now a Forum.
Kind of a big update here. I have decided to add a forum. So, I guess people can make an account and discuss my content, or other content...

Sasha W.
May 27, 20201 min read
PSA: Talking to Sash privately is not for the faint of heart. Should I talk to Sash? Guide.
So you came across my website and blog, or whatever, and decided to contact me because you want to talk to me about something. Tech, or...
Sasha W.
Apr 23, 20201 min read
Important Information: I don't support the Mobile Version of my Website.
Because it sucks for some reason and is slow. So please use a PC (or another non-mobile device, or if you must, use the 'desktop version'...
Sasha W.
Feb 22, 20201 min read
Important Information: YouTube? Really, Sash? Yes.
Okay, so I had a phase of not using YouTube, actually the main reason was because some people were down-voting my videos and I didn't...
Sasha W.
Jan 26, 20201 min read
Very Important: I say Retarded Things. Please don't be offended!
This is a very important update to Important Information and more about this can be found in this post, so please read that first, kthx!...
Sasha W.
Jan 13, 20201 min read
(Important Sash-Rant): Please read if you want to target me/my website and/or DDOS it.
I'm sorry that you feel that way, maybe you should consider taking a break from the Internet for a while and learning how to untangle...
Sasha W.
Nov 4, 20191 min read
Mood instability.
For your information, I have really bad mood swings. In fact, they are really, really bad. It's distressing for me and I sometimes do...
Sasha W.
Oct 29, 20191 min read
Don't be mad if I don't reply. Anywhere.
If you reply to my comments, or message me anywhere, on my website form or Disqus, or email if you have it or Discord (if somehow you get...
Sasha W.
Oct 19, 20191 min read
About Rants (please read before getting mad)
All my posts titled "Sash Rant" are literally exactly that. They are me Ranting. Usually because I'm pissed off about something, and...
Sasha W.
Oct 1, 20191 min read
Important Information: When I do a video series...
Just for your information, I tend to be very sporadic when I do lots of things, including video games. So when I start a video series it...
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