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(UK1) Interstitial Gate

Interstitial Gates were devised after short-range in-system tests of the [[Interstitial Drive]] produced very brief (nanoseconds) conduits between the start & end locations.

(UK1) Interstitial Gate
(UK1) Interstitial Gate
(UK1) Interstitial Gate
(UK1) Interstitial Gate
(UK1) Interstitial Gate

The theory was rapidly bedded down, however the energy requirements for these immense acts of space folding were beyond all sane power requirements till the constructions of [[Icarus Station]]s, giving sufficient power to create & maintain these fixed links.

From an observer's perspective; an IS Gate is just an instantaneous Portal from Point A to Point B, with no transit time or interruptions.

Behind the scenes; transitioning into this is a little more convoluted, as it does mean crossing through [[Interstitial Space]] for a brief moment, so some minor "Turbulence" is usually observed in the crossing.

Generally these sorts of Crossings are established by a pair of specifically built structures to create & anchor each end of the link relative to one-another, through the currents and eddies of Interstitial Space, however this isn't set in stone.

Some vessels have since been built with sufficient power to create & maintain these gates single-handed. [[HMSS Ark Royal]] herself has the capability, as does [[HMSS Poseidon]] & [[HMSS Prometheus]]. [[HMSS Sunrise]] is presumed to be capable, although nobody as of yet has figured out how to enact this.

(//Codex Entry Author: Alex Lee)

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