This is a cool one. I think I typed this while I was supposed to be studying at college. Yes, because I spent most of my time listing science fiction and fantasy lore than doing work. Yet somehow managed to leave with passes and I think a merit? Anyway, this is a very much unfinished raw transcript, and as such some details (such as dates) are not listed, because I was yet to finalise them in the main timeline. This one is actualy a a very slight variation of my "main" timeline, where the UTN is wiped out by an unknown event. This is not too different from my current timeline, where they are almost wiped out by an Alien Invasion (read here). (I clarify it in the current timeline, it wasn't the Maikors) I guess I could say it is "Alt Canon"? Oh my, my universe is really fractured. Everything else here is canon.
I really need to unify it, one day I will, and I will post it here. Maybe I will write a book on it. But I probably won't ;_;
*************Mass Drivers************************************
Mass Drivers are weapons that accelerate physical mass-based projectiles at high speed. The term can also be used to describe early 20th century gas-expansion weapons, but mainly refers to modern coil, rail and Fission Impulse guns.
**********Fission Impulse Mass Driver (FIMD)*****************
The FIMD, or Fission Impulse Mass Driver is a weapon system invented in <date> by the Terran Space Research Corporation, that has been in use with the UTN Armed Forces since it's founding. The weapon utilises a controlled Nuclear Reaction to propel a solid projectile at high velocities. The projectile, often refered to as a "slug", is loaded into the firing chamber, after of which the ignition chamber is filled with a small amount of Nuclear fuel - essentially a 'pellet' of Uranium-235. A high-powered laser is then fired into the fuel pellet, inducing a nuclear reaction, which propels the slug. FIMDs are based on similar principles to firearms of the 20th and 21st centuries, but rather than relying on gas expansion, the slug is propelled by Nuclear energies, and thus achieves a much greater muzzle velocity.
Fission Impulse derived weapons are used by all branches of the UTN Armed Forces, from handheld weapons to the main guns of warships. Despite being many thousands of years old, FIMD based weapons continue to be the primary weapon system, and have been constantly upgraded. The FIMD was replaced by the HMFIMD as the primary weapon of the UTN Navy, though many older warships are still equipped with the FIMD.
--Heavy Cannons-----
HC MKI "Shard"
HC MKII "Bolt"
HC MKIII "Blade"
HC MKIV "Hammer"
--Rotary Assault Cannons-----
RAW MKI "Bolter"
RAW MKII "Shredder"
--Point Defence Systems------
PDS-100 "Defender"
PDS-200 "Protector"
****Hybrid Magnetic Fission Impulse Mass Driver (HMFIMD)****
The HMFIMD is a development of the FIMD, first developed in <date> but wasn't introduced until <date>, due to manufacturing limitations with then existing super-conducting technologies. The HMFIMD utilises a Magnetic Accelerator built into the barrel construct that increases accuracy and muzzle velocity, similar to a coilgun. The HMFIMD is now the standard weapon system of the Federal Navy, and has been upgraded significantly.
--Heavy Cannons-----
HC MKV "Slammer"
HC MKVI "Striker"
HC MKVII "Perforator"
--Rotary Assault Cannons-----
RAW-MKIII "Obliterator"
--Point Defence Systems------
PDS-300 "Guardian"
PDS-400 "Praetorian"
****Antimatter Impulse Mass Driver (AIMD)*******************
The Antimatter Impulse Mass Driver is the latest development of Mass Driver technology. Only recently developed by the Naval Research Labs, the AIMD utilises the Nuclear Energies released by colliding Matter with Anti-matter particles. Though this principle has been understood for many years, only recently has the technologies (especially particle containment) been ready for the development of an actual weapon. The weapon utilises a similar principle to the FIMD, with a fuel matter injected into an ingnition chamber, but instead of a nuclear explosion, a high-powered laser produces a positron (anti-electron) by firing into a hydrogen nucleus. This position is charged into an electric field where it is collided with an electron using a series of Partricle Colliders. The energy released is focused into the ingition chamber by powerful magnetic forces, creating an energy shockwave that propels the solid projectile at immense speeds, of up to .149 C. AIMDs are currently not in widespread use, as the UTN Navy has not officially adpoted the weapon into their arsenal due to efficiency, reliability and cost issues, but prototypes are being tested on a few specialist Navy Units.
--Heavy Cannons-----
HC MKVIII "Mataris"
Mataris is the codename for the first series of the Mark Eight Mass drivers, using the new Antimatter Principle. Only a few of these weapons exist, and their development is highly classified.
Lasers use focused beams of light (photons) to damage a target, mostly through heat. Lasers as weapons first appeared in the 21st century, where they were mainly used to destroy missiles in early experiments. In 2041, the Western Alliance succesfully developed a ship-based weaponised laser system called Project Diamond. Due to the massive energy requirements of high-power lasers, Project Diamond could only be fitted to water-based navy ships with nuclear reactors. The innovation of the nuclear Fusion Reactor in 2049, pushed the boundaries of laser-based weapons even further.
Lasers as weapons have developed considerably since Project Diamond, seeing use in the UTN Armed Forces from Point-Defence Pulse Lasers to Heavy Fusion Lasers designed to melt through warship armour. Though not in as widespread use as Nuclear/Kinetic weapons such as Fusion Impulse Drivers, the Laser remains an important part of the Federal Navy's arsenal.
******************Phased Pulse Laser***********************
The Phased Pulse Laser consists of between 8 and 12 individual high-powered lasers, firing together in quick succession to produce a powerful "pulse" of Laser energy. This weapon is utilised as a Point Defence weapon system against missiles, strikecraft, and even some kinetic projectiles. Like all lasers, the PPL superheats the target to cause damage, detonating stored ammunition and/or fuel and damaging the hull. Though the Phased Pulse Laser has been in use on specialist units for many years, it is still not the primary Point Defence Weapon System in use; multiple barrel high-rate of fire kinetic weapons are still the most widely used form of Point Defence used on Navy Warships. However, recently, the Navy launched a review of its equipment and the Phased Pulse Laser is expected to be installed alongside Multiple Barrel Kinetic weapons on all Navy warships within the next decade or so, due to recent findings.
--Point Defence Systems-----
EPDS-300 "Mask"
The "Mask" series of Laser Point Defence Systems were the first fully operational systems of this type to fitted and used aboard Navy warships. First seeing action in <date> during the invasion of Delta Aquarius, they proved to be mostly successful, despite a notably shorter range and higher energy consumption than traditional kinetic Point Defence Systems (though this was made up for by their immensely fast intercept speed, due to the beams traveling at the speed of light). The Mask has now been almost entirely phased out in favour of the more advanced "Storm" system, though some civilian corporations still use ex-military "Mask" systems for asteroid defence on un-shielded Rigs and Barges.
EPDS-400 "Storm"
The "Storm" series of Laser Point Defence Systems were designed to replace the agining "Mask" series units, mainly to address issues with range and excessive energy consumption. The "Storm" incorporates a more advanced emmission system, with a newer Glanium-Tritex Focusing Array, resulting in increased damage and range. Though the power consumption issue was only marginly improved. "Storm" systems are used extensively by specialist Navy units, and Red Sector, as their main Point Defence System.
EPDS-500 "Lightning"
The "Lighning" Laser Point Defence Systems are currently in development to replace the EPDS-424 units of the "Storm" series. Though very little is known about this system, prototypes are believied to be in use by Red Sector and specialist Navy Units, and is yet to undergo official field testing.
******************Fusion Laser*****************************
The Fusion Laser is a heavy weapon system used by the Federal Navy. Utilising a sustained fusion reaction to produce enourmous amounts of power and radiation, which is then channeled into a focused emmission system, creating a powerful blast of energy. Fusion Lasers have a distinctive orange glow. The concept for a Nuclear-driven laser first started in the 20th century, but significant advances in the technology where not made until the later part of the 21st century, in which the Terran Space Research Corporation created the first fully weaponised "Basic Design" for a Fusion Laser, which was later adopted for use by the UTN Navy as an advancement of the Earlier TSRC Concept. Fusion Lasers are capable of creating an extremely powerful, focused beam of light energy, typically fired in one to two second 'phases', but some heavier lasers can sustain constant beams for up to five seconds; burning through even the thickest armour with relative ease. Fusion Lasers are powered by a Chemical Fusion Reaction that takes place within a containted unit built into the weapon system, apart from the pulse of initial energy required to start said reaction, Fusion lasers require a comparably smaller amount of power to sustain than a traditional solid-state or chemical laser.
The effectiveness of the laser as an anti-capital ship weapon has been reduced signficantly with the introduction of new ablative composites that are able to resist and even negate damage by laser-based weaponry. However, anti-ship lasers remain in use by the Federal Navy to this day due to their main advantage; negligable fire-to-impact delay. Typically, any Fusion Laser with a peak output below 5GW is considered obsolete by the Federal Navy.
-------Heavy Lasers---------
************Missiles, Rockets and Torpedoes****************
Powered Kinetic mass-based projectiles such as Missiles have been an important part of warfare since the 20th century, where they began to replace heavy artillery on wet navies across Earth. The dawn of the space age saw the return to the Mass Driver (unpowered mass-based projectile) as the primary armament of most warships in space, but missiles, torpedoes and rockets are nonetheless an essential part of the Federal Navy's arsenal.
************Ship-Launched Long Range Missiles**************
The Ship-Launched Long Range Missile, or SLLRM, is a Warship-based long range missile system typically used on most UTN warships, from frigates to Battlecruisers. The SLLRM System is capable of launching missiles with ranges in excess of 25,000 Kilometres, using Nuclear Solid-State drive systems to achieve high velocities during flight. The SLLRMs typically trade off agility for speed, range and payload, in the latter they are only surpassed by Torpedoes. SLLRMs have become an essential part of the UTN armament; being able to strike fast targets like destroyers at ranges that would render most mass-drivers inneffective, even if the vessel in question is performing evasive actions; this has earned the SLLRM the nickname "bane of the destroyers" by gunnery crews in the Federal Fleet. The SLLRM's comparably smaller payload when compared to a torpedo limits their overall effectiveness against larger, heavily armed warships such as Heavy cruisers, but are often used to disable their weapons or drives with precision strikes.
SLLRM-15 "Shark"
The Shark is an aging Ship-Launched Long Range Missile, used extensively during the First Era of Expansion against CEG forces, it quickly proved itself effective. Though the Shark is now considered obsolete by the UTN Navy, variants are still in service with reserve fleets. Though used by reserve fleets (though is shceduled for stockpile withdrawal), the Shark is considered too slow for use in modern engagements due to it's basic Fission Solid-State Drive system. The Shark uses a primitve thermal guidance system, though low cost and fairly reliable, the system is easily fooled by contemporay Passive Countermeasure systems, and despite many upgrades to both the payload and guidance system (The SLLRM-15E was fitted with a Cross-Section Phased Microlaser Guidance system similar to the Hunter) the missile was eventually phased out of front-line service in favour of the more advanced "Hunter" missile.
SLLRM-30 "Hunter"
The SLLRM-30 Hunter Long Rang Missile was developed to replace the aging Shark, most notably it's payload and guidance systems which both proved to be lacking during engagments with CEG forces almost one hundred years after the Shark was developed. The Hunter is essentially a re-designed Shark, using the same basic frame, but with improvements to all the major aspects. The Hunter missile uses a CSPM (cross-Section Phased-Microlaser) Guidance System as standard, and an improved Fusion Pulse drive motor affording increased agility, speed and acceleration over it's predecessor. The Hunter's payload is almost two-thirds greater than the Shark's, as it makes use of a Compacted Pyrolium Oxide Explosive Warhead. The Hunter has become one of the most widely used Missiles in the Federal Navy, and is currently the most numerous unit in service; though officially replaced by the Spectre, the Hunter is still widely used by Front-Line units for it's lower cost and excellent reliability.
SLLRM-40 "Spectre"
SLLRM-42 "Wraith"
****Particle Shield*****************************************
Particle shields utilise the theory of Particle Fields to create barriers of energy, which are capable of protecting against damage. Particle shields are known collequally in the UTN as "shields".
****Warship Classes*****************************************
----Nebula Class Light Cruiser----
The Nebula-class Light Cruisers were developed in 4716, to replace the earlier Nova-class Light Cruisers. While successful, the Nova-class (being designed in 3910 to replace the earlier Farlease-class) was showing it's age, mainly with it's relatively small armament of only 2 "C" Double and one "D" Triple type turrets in it's main battery. This limitation became apparent during the Shesko Border Conflict, in which undergunned Nova-class cruisers came up against heavier CEG remnant warships of the Medium-cruiser class. Novas had been upgraded over the years, but superstructure limitations prevented the addition of a much needed heavier main battery. This led the to development of an entirely new class to replace them, to address the need for a light, fast cruiser with a heavier armamnet for use with Forward Expeditionary Groups. Designed by Federal Shipwrights in Lorentis, the Nebula-class addresses the limitations of the Novas, and has become one of the most successfuly and widely used cruisers in service, with many derived classes of dedicated warships designed from them.
In order to accomodate the heavier armament of four "C" Type Double Turret mounts, the Nebula-class needed an entirely new, longer superstructure. This increase also means that the Nebulas are heavier than their predecessor. To counter this increase in size, the Nebula-class has a newer, more advanced drive system using the innovative Hybrid/Fusion reactive system. The Nebulas also feature the PARALAX FCS/EWS, which replaces the older AEGIS system. The Nebula-class bears significant improvements in almost all areas to it's predecessor, notably in armament and powersupply; the Nova-class's old Dual-Core P500 8-Cell Fusion reactor system has been replaced by a state-of-the-art P700 Dual-Core 12-Cell Hybrid/Fusion Power Pack, that provides over 40% increased output and efficiency. The class has also seen improvements its armour; possessing greatly improved Plated Elemental Armour, over the Ceramic-Alloy armour of the Nova-class, the thickness was reduced to compensate for the extra weight of the main battery, but the armour design still grants around 12-14% better resistance to damage than the thicker C/A plating.
The Nebula-class has been used as a base for several other classes of dedicated Light Cruisers in the Federal Navy, such as the Hariken-class Light Missile Cruiser, and the Echleon-class command cruiser.
----Centurion-class Embarked Combat Utility Vessel----
The Centurion-class ECUV (Embarked Combat Utility Vessel, or simply CUV) is a class of frigate specifically designed for operations from larger warships such as carriers.
*******************EVENTS OF 5036***********************************************
---------Fall of the UTN---------
The Unified Terran Nations, a powerful and proud civilisation of old Terra, could've almost been considered invulnerable by the late fifty-first century; a powerful fleet, a mighty economy and certainly a capacity to defend itself against all comers. This was proven during the 5025-5030 Illuvian War, when forces of the Old Federal Navy fought off a seemingly superior alien enemy in terms of both technology and numbers. One would've been forgiven for thinking that the Federation could stand up to any alien force, no matter how powerful... But how wrong they would be.
On March 9th, 5036, the future UTN was changed forever. At exactly 07:52 + EMT, Naval Intel Satellites in the outer sectors picked up an energy spike originiating from the very core of the UTN, the seat of power. Eridonia. The energy surge was so great, that within seconds the satellites were knocked out, worlds fell silent and entire fleets were wiped off the grid. The events that destroyed the UTN has we knew it, had started.
Some believe it was a terror of our own creation, others that it was an Illuvian Super weapon; used against our people in revenge for the war, some even believe that an ancient Maikor Experiment had re-surfaced to ravage our civilisation... No-one knows for sure... But what we do know is, that 500 years later, we the Loyalists of Terra, continue to fight for freedom, our way of life... We fight to re-build what we once had. And we will not give up hope.
----The Wasteworlds------------
The wasteworlds, (first coined by the initial survivors) are the remnants of the ancient UTN sectors. The blast that destroyed the Federation was so great that the core sectors, known as the Hell Worlds by survivors, are completly destroyed. Entire planets had their atmopsheres wiped away by the blast, and the space around them remains (even to this day) so highly irradiated by as of yet unknown contaimnants that ships without shielding have thier hulls stripped away in minutes. As of today, only the Loyalists have the technology to even enter the Core Worlds, and even then, not for extended periods of time.
Though the outer sector Worlds were spared total destruction, their surfaces were battered by the shockwaves; cities crumbled into nothing more than ruins, orbiting facilities destablised and fell into the atmosphere, only adding to the destruction. It was these worlds where survivors emerged from the ruins to what had become of their civilisation.
The Space inbetween these worlds, once filled with mighty Space-Lanes and huge Trade Ports, is now nothing but a barren wastefield. The ruined debris of ancient structures litters the space, a graveyard of the old UTN's interplanetary infrastructure.
It is within these junkfields that the illusive Junk Dogs work their business in these times. Salvaging what they can to use, or sell. Mostly to the Marauders, who pay for old weapon parts and warship hulls to fuel their never-ending war with one another... And on occassion, the mysterious Loyalists buy certain, select pieces of junk...
----The Marauders--------------
Marauders is a name given collectively to the marauding, pirate raiders who roam the Wasteworlds. Their exact origins are unknown, though it is believed that they originated from a mixture of the surviving guard fleets of the old Federal Navy who decended into anarchy after the UTN government fell, and pirate clans from the Angel Reach who moved in to capitalise on the destruction. The Marauders are made up of numerous clans, who are constantly at war with one another over territory, junk and even slaves.
Survivors of the destruction know well to avoid the Marauder territories, which lie to the G-west of the Outer Wasteworlds, towards the Angel Reach. Marauder clans often pillage, loot and destroy settlement ships, and even enslave their occupants.
----The Survivors--------------
Known collectively as "Survivors", these are the every-day people who survived the destruction. For the most part, they just want to try to scratch out an existence in the new world. Suvivors inhabit the city ruins on most of the Outer Wasteworlds, but many survivors also travel the wasteworlds in converted pre-blast Cruise liners and other ships re-purposed to serve as floating settlements. These are known as "settlement ships".
-----The Terran Loyalists------
The Terran Loyalists are a faction that rose from the ashes of the fires that swept the UTN sectors in 5036. Descendants from the Old Federal Navy who remained loyal and Red Sector, the Loyalists are a proud and traditional faction; dedicated to preserving the old Terran way of life, and fighting to re-build the UTN as it once was, before the fall.
The Loyalists were formed in 5040, from remnants of the 1st Federal Grand Fleet that fled to Red Sector-319 as the fires that destroyed the Federation still raged. Red Sector-319 was spared the worst of the destruction due to its location; and as a result, the Loyalists possess the only known operational shipyard in the Wasteworlds. With the central government of the Federation completely anhiliated, Naval ships that retreated to Sector-319 united under the command of Admiral Vladimir S., and would quickly establish a base on the world of Eta Seralis, in order to plan their next move; locating any surving members of the old UTN government. Upon arriving in orbit over Eta Seralis, the Admiral Vladmir S.'s ships encountered the remnants of the Red Sector Force Beta, who were themselves without a command structure. The Red Sector command were all killed during the initial blast. Beta had deployed probes to Eridonia prior to the arrival of Vladimir's fleet, and upon learning of the news, Vladimir knew what had to be done. If the UTN was to survive this, they'd need a government.
It would be four years before Vladimir formed the Terran Loyalists, their name comes from a famous speech made by the Admiral: "We, the Loyalists of Terra, will fight for our way of life. It is us, who will prevail, not those mindless dogs who taint our proud nation's history! Unite, my comrades and we shall be great again!". The Terran Loyalists were born.
The Terran Loyalists are the most technologically advanced, best trained and equipped faction in the Wasteworlds of the old UTN. Directly descended from the Loyal 1st Grand fleet of the Old Federal Navy and the Red Sector Force Beta, the Loyalists have access to technology that has since progressed to levels beyond what even the ancient UTN had at their disposal. The Loyalist homeworld is the cold winter planet of Eta Seralis, the only habitable planet in the Red Sector-319. Eta Seralis orbits an enourmous gas giant known as Eta Major.
Despite their technological prowess, the Loyalists are also one of the smallest factions; their fleet barely has 200 combat-ready warships at one time, so they tend to avoid direct combat with the far more numerous marauder clans unless absolutely necessary. Though the Loyalists have enough firepower to easily wipe out an entire clan of the marauders with little effort, a direct attack on one of the dozens of clans could potentially unite the warring pirates against the Loyalists; and even with their advantage, the sheer numbers of the pirates would likely prevail.
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