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Eridonia Archives
(Capital) EV-AX Fleet Command Carrier
A mighty starship employed by the UAS Navy as a mobile base of operations, supercarrier and stand-off battleship all rolled into one. It is the largest space-faring warship in Terran history.

Class: Super-Capital
Role: Supercarrier / Command ship
Mass: 3,715,22 T
Length: 2720 M
Max Speed (Impulse Cruise): < 1.0 KM/s
Max Speed (Hyper Cruise): < 1200 KM/s
Max Range (JDA): > 20 Parsec
Date: 2,104 F.D.S (4342 A.D)
Origin: A.R.A.S Shipyards, Lorentis System
Primary Armour Plating: Nanopolymer-based low-ferrous metalic composite construction
Primary Armour Thickness: =< 12.75M (Main), =< 1.25M (Secondary) =< 0.45M (Tertiary & Pressure)
Spinal/Axial Armament: N/A
Primary Armament: 8x IM104-A IMAPA Anti-Ship Battery Turrets
Secondary Armament: 16x MDB3-B, dual-linked 225MM single-Barrel FI-Mass Driver Turrets, 2x HAL2-B Dual-linked Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets, 22x PDS Clusterfire CIWS
Tertiary Armament: SPARTAN Anti-Ship Long Range Missile System
Shielding: S104A-MKI CTM/HS Shield Modulator
Sensors: Axial RANGEFINDER 0104-IFCS for FC and FSA, TERUS 0104-BFSA-L Broad Field Sensor Array for SDS, RADAR, LADAR and MLADAR, ventral primary, port, starboard SPARTAN Tracking System
Propulsion: 30x Singular Helium-Fusion Plasma Impulse, integrated Plasma Recycler system, Dual 24-stack HFPI Drives (auxilary stern), dual 24-stack HFPI Drives (auxiliary mindships) dual 24-stack HFPI Drives (auxiliary bow)
Powerplant: X104 'Supernova' Experimental Integrated Power System (details classified)
Hangars: Ventral Frigate-type hangar with internal facilities for up to 1 Frigate-class, 12 corvettes and 12x8 Strikecraft wings. Bow Corvette-type Hangar with internal facilities for up to 12 corvettes and 52x8 Strikecraft wings. External docking clamps for up to 6 Cruiser/Destroyer class (4 CC + 2 DD Max) and 12 frigates.
Though the UAS Federal Navy had reactivated its fleet of Endeavour-class Battlecruisers and other capital-class vessels by the turn of the 44th century A.D, the Navy put forward a new requirement to the Starship Research & Devleopment Branch: a new super-capital class warship. It was deemed necessary by Naval Commanders that the highly mobile Task Forces of smaller RV-AX Type Fleet Cruisers and their escorts needed greater range; during Operation Tempest Liberty, sub-optimal range of the RV-AX's JDA prevented single-transition jumps from UAS Space to designated staging areas in the fringes of the Tempest Nebula.
While the RV-AX was capable of an effective range of around 4 parsecs, the expanse of the Tempest Ridge far exceeded that, forcing UAS Naval Commanders to perform multiple 'hops' between systems - vastly increasing the time to deployment, and as such, reducing the effectiveness of 'Lighting Strike' capability.
The Naval R&D at A.R.A.S Shipyards, Lorentis System, put forward the EV-AX Type design, codenamed 'Evolution', at over 2.7 KM long and weighing in over 3 million tons, it was almost twice the length of the largest capital ship to serve in the fleet, the Endeavour-class battlecruiser, and almost three times its mass. Much of this increased mass can be attributed to the collossal Jump Drive Array; the largest ever deployed on a mobile platform. In addition, EV-AX Type vessels contained a myriad of support facilities allowing it to deploy, maintain and support a small Task Force completely independent of a fixed base.
EV-AX Command Carriers have the capability to externally dock up to four RV-AX Fleet Cruisers, two Destroyers and a dozen frigate-sized vessels. Internal hangars allow the vessel to carry over five-hundred single-seat strikecraft and two dozen corvettes. The external docking clamps utilise powerful Magneto Fields to secure the ~1 KM long RV-AX during a phasic Subspace Jump. As such, a single 'Evolution' Command Carrier can deploy an entire Task Force with a range in excess of twenty parsecs - making EV-AX the only ship in the fleet, and in human history, to be able to pass the Crimson Barrier, above or below, in a single transition. This would give the UAS Navy an incredible first-strike capability to essentially anywhere in known space, provided the exit trajectory was mapped by a recon probe.
The UAS Navy put forward a requirement for 12 vessels of EV-AX designation. As of 4355 A.D, three vessels are in service, the first of the class named for Legendary Old Federation Naval Commander, Reginald Dennis Webb, with three more undergoing trials, three under construction and two more planned. EV-AX Type vessels, along with their sister ships the RT-AX Dreadnoughts, are the only ships in the UAS Fleet to officially hold an honuorary name, due to their size and importance to the Fleet.
At 2,720 M long, with a mass of 3,715,220 Tons, EV-AX is the second largest and most massive spacefaring warship ever built by humanity in Aquarius, second only to the Retribution II-class dreadnought; built on the same hull design. Equipped with eight A-Type Main Battery Turrets, each with a dual-linked Ion-Maser Cannon, the EV-AX is capable of providing incredible long-distance firepower support to its Task Force. Despite a formidble array of B-Type and PDS mounts, the vessel was never designed for open combat at medium or short range, and as such is a fairly large target for concentrated fire.
As with the RV-AX Fleet Cruiser, the EV-AX design lacks an axial armament. In its place, a large open hangar takes up most of the bow structure. Along with a ventral frigate bay, EV-AX is capable of carrying dozens of escort-class warships and hundreds of strikecraft. The primary roll of the Command Carrier is to rapidly deploy a Task Force, and provide a mobile base of operations within the local sector. Powerful, system-wide sensor arrays, long-range stand-off artillery capability, internal repair and resupply systems, fuel and munitions storage, this vessel is essentially a mobile shipyard.
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