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Eridonia Archives
Sector Rim Federation Starships
Starships deployed by the Senlani SRFDF Peacekeeping forces.

(Capital) Seriphes-class Dreadnought
A mighty dreadnought of the Sector Rim Defence Fleet. This class embodies the strongest will of the Senlani's passion for defence and peacekeeping. Despite their passive outwardly nature, the Seriphes-class dreadnought represents the fact that the Senlani are ready to go to war should the need to defend themselves arise.

(Cruiser) Seralo-class Heavy Cruiser
The mainstay of the Senlani Peacekeeping forces, this Heavy Cruiser is anything but. Possessing some of the highest acceleration and deacceleration capabilities of any known starship, Seralo provides the Senlani Defence Fleet with an unmatched rapid-response capability and underscores their emphasis on reactionary doctrine within their homeworlds.
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